20th tutorial for right angle triangle patterns

This is the last tutorial for the right angle triangle patterns. After practising this many programs you may find this program easy to solve, this pattern have different kind of logic to print numbers.

In the pattern which looks like:

The numbers are arranged in the order say 1 to 5 in one column then 6 to 9 in second column and so on. So here we need to change the statement inside the for  loop.

As shown in the snap shot of the program in the for loop the value of k i.e. (the maximum value of line you want in output) is used in the printf statement. Initially k is set to the value of i, and then it is incremented by the statement   [ k += n-j ]

Here n is the total line say column or row you want in output here it is 5. J is the column number in which the loop is printing numbers at some time here let us take j =1 say for example. So k is incremented to the value n – j so [5 – 1=4] and k will b 2 at that time as i is incremented in for loop, so now k = 6, so in second row printf statement will print as 2 6.

Thus how numbers are printed in order.

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