18th tutorial for right angle triangle patterns

This pattern is done with another interesting logic. A very simple logic is there behind this program.

The pattern looks like it is started with 11 but loop are initialize with 1 only so what is the logic behind such pattern

Here there is no change in loop but printf statement is changed.

As you can see loops are same as that of the first program of ‘*’.

But printf statement changes: as we want to print 11 first i.e. starting from 11 so
Printf(“%d”, 9+i+j)

In printf statement we add 9 with respective values of i and j in loops. When loop executes for the first time i and j both will be 1 so we get (9+1+1=11), the second time i increments so (9+2+1=12), then i remains same and j increments so (9+2+2=13), then again i increments so (9+3+1=13) and so on. Thus how loop works here.

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